On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.


“‹”I have never felt so intimate with a piece of art in my life.”—Dreamer

Once a year, adult visitors are invited to spend the night at the Rubin Museum beneath a work of art selected just for them. Titled a Dream-Over, the event includes bedtime stories, lullabies, dream discussion groups, and, of course, a midnight snack.

To learn more about Dream-Overs at the Rubin, please watch our short video or read coverage of past overnights in the New York Times, Bloomberg, WNYC, and Flavorwire.

For information on future Dream-Overs, please contact us at Programming@RubinMuseum.org.

Peak Experience

On select occasions, the Museum has hosted overnight mountaineering experiences for children. During out most recent Peak Experience, 40 kids, aged 9-12, roped together alpine style, confronted the challenges of climbing Mt. Everest. They discovered the beauty, considered the perils, experienced the culture, and practiced team dynamics. Their expedition was led by world-renowned high altitude mountaineer Robert M. Anderson.

While there is no Peak Experience scheduled for the immediate future, please sign up to receive updates from the museum on a monthly basis.
