AWAKEN Podcast
AWAKEN Season 3
When something ends, something new begins. Our lives are full of countless such transitional moments that propel us into the unknown and compel us to wake up to what comes next. Season 3 of AWAKEN delves into the notion of life after and explores how we navigate the key events and qualities of human life—birth, learning, emotion, aspiration, morality, conflict, and death—as well as grapple with the ultimate mystery: the afterlife.
Hosted by singer and songwriter Falu, AWAKEN uses artworks as a jumping off point for artists, writers, scientists, poets, Buddhist teachers, and more to share stories of transformation. By hearing about their life-defining moments, we can better understand how to move through change and emerge on the other side.Learn more about our guests.
AWAKEN Season 2
Singer and songwriter Raveena Aurora hosts the second season of AWAKEN, which explores the transformative power of art. Using a Tibetan Buddhist mandala as a guide, scientists, Buddhist teachers, writers, artists, activists, and others share how they wrestle with five challenging emotions—anger, pride, attachment, envy, and ignorance—and what those feelings can teach us if we get curious.
Guests include writer adrienne maree brown, emotion scientist Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, psychiatrist Mark Epstein, artist and activist Madame Gandhi, Zen Buddhist priest Ruth Ozeki, scientist and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, celebrated Buddhist teacher Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, renowned chef Eric Ripert, and author and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg. Learn more about our guests.