On October 6, the Rubin will close the 17th Street galleries and transition into a global museum model. Read more about our future.

Spiral Magazine - The Power Issue Acknowledgments

Spiral is a free publication from the Rubin Museum of Art. Our 2019 issue accompanied our yearlong exploration of power.

We would like to thank the many people who have made this publication possible:

Marina Abramović, Parvez Ahmad, Rahaab Allana, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Stephanie Berger, Sanford Biggers, Allison Brainard, Monika Bravo, Katy Brennan, Cathy Linh Che, Ching-In Chen, E.V. Day, Lisa Fernandez, Ruben Flores, Angella Forbes, Scott Globus, Jeremy Heimans, Ayman Mukerji Househam, Gavin Irby, Ulrike Jaklin, Kate Johnson, Larisa Koronowski (Shamaness ChokBar), Cathy Koutsavlis, Kenji C. Liu, Donald S. Lopez Jr., Youdhi Maharjan, Annie Melia, Jason Nunes, Professor Sukhvinder Obhi, Kembra Pfahler, Lisa Ross, Robert Jay Ross, Jia Sung, Kasia Urbaniak, Ben Venom, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay, Jack Waters, and Maya Yearwood.

We would also like to thank a generous group of donors for their support as Rubin members at the $5,000 level and above, as of November 15, 2018:

Akhoury Foundation
Bob and Lois Baylis
Ariane Dannasch
Anne E. Delaney
Aashish and Dinyar Devitre
Jennifer and Robert Diamond
Noah P. Dorsky
William C. Dowling, Jr. Foundation
Fred Eychaner
Christopher J. Fussner
Patricia M. Gruber
Nandansons Charitable Trust
Barbara Marcin Ullman
William E. Mayer
Ann and Matthew Nimetz
Gerry Ohrstrom
Deven and Monika Parekh
Rasika and Girish Reddy
Basha Frost Rubin and Scott Grinsell
Shelley and Donald Rubin
Tom Sawyer
Eileen Caulfield Schwab
Barbara and Harvey Sigelbaum
Jon Stryker
Henry P. van Ameringen

Image Credits
Detail from Wheel of Life; Tibet; early 20th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Art; C2004.21.1 (HAR 65356)