Approfondisci i significati del mandala e rifletti sulle tue emozioni durante questo tour audio del Mandala Lab, un percorso realizzato con il contributo di artisti, musicisti e scienziati.
300: Presentazione del Mandala Lab
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301: Tenere sotto controllo l’orgoglio
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303: Lasciare andare l’attaccamento
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305: Agire senza invidia
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306: Riflessione sulla respirazione con John Dunne
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307: Calmare la rabbia
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309: Chiudere il cerchio
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BAM – Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano, gestita dalla Fondazione Riccardo Catella, è un partner culturale del Rubin Museum of Art per l’iniziativa Mandala Lab, Milano.
The first traveling Mandala Lab was commissioned by The Wellbeing Project as part of the artistic programming for the 2022 Wellbeing Summit in Bilbao, generously supported by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global.
Leadership support for the traveling Mandala Lab multiyear initiative is provided by The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Global.
Lead support of the Mandala Lab is provided by the Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, Barbara Bowman, Dharma Joy Foundation, Noah P. Dorsky, Fred Eychaner, Agnes Gund, the Estate of Lisina M. Hoch, The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, Rasika and Girish Reddy, Shelley and Donald Rubin, and the Tiger Baron Foundation.
Major support is provided by Bob and Lois Baylis, Sara and Joseph Bedrick, Anne and Albert Chao, Con Edison, Daphne Hoch Cunningham and John Cunningham, Anne E. Delaney, DeWitt Stern, Karen Dorsky, Chris K. Jones of Think Strong Scholarships, Jack Lampl, Max Meehan, Dan Gimbel of NEPC, LLC, The Prospect Hill Foundation, Sarah and Craig Richardson, Basha Frost Rubin and Scott Grinsell, the Andrew Sabin Family Foundation, Namita and Arun Saraf, Linda Schejola, Eric and Alexandra Schoenberg, Eileen Caulfield Schwab, Tsherin Sherpa, Jesse Smith and Annice Kenan, Taipei Cultural Center in New York, New York Life Insurance Company, and New York Life.
The Mandala Lab multiyear initiative is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.
The Rubin Museum’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature.
The Mandala Lab multiyear initiative is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.