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The highest intelligence is the ability to observe yourself without judgment. Deepak Chopra, MD, and neuroscientist Tara Swart, MD, PhD, explore the cognitive processes involved in being able to observe yourself having a sensory experience, or observe yourself making a choice””the key features of metacognition, or self-awareness””and discuss where the cultivation of this practice can lead us.

“Metacognition is being.” “”Deepak Chopra

About the Speakers

Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, is the founder of the Chopra Foundation and the cofounder of Jiyo.com and the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. TIME magazine described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.” Dr. Chopra is board certified in internal medicine, endocrinology, and metabolism, a fellow of the American College of Physicians, and clinical professor in medicine at the University of California, San Diego. He is a prolific author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, with 25 New York Times bestsellers, including You Are the Universe. His latest book, Metahuman: Releasing Your Infinite Potential, came out in 2019. A valued member of the Rubin’s Advisory Council, he has appeared onstage at the Rubin four times.

Dr. Tara Swart
image credit: Clara Molden

Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, medical doctor, executive advisor, senior lecturer at MIT Sloan, and author of the bestseller The Source, which has translations in 36 global territories. Dr. Swart is passionate about disseminating simple, pragmatic, neuroscience-based messages that change the way people live and work. She advises a small number of individuals via personal recommendation only and speaks at major conferences globally. Dr. Swart is an advisory board member for a private equity company, private bank, and health and wellness start-up, and an ambassador for a beauty and well-being brand. For more information and podcasts, videos, and press articles, visit taraswart.com. She moderated a conversation with two pandemic healthcare professionals in a Rubin Museum program last fall about the art of self-care.

Lead support for Brainwave is provided by Science Sandbox, an initiative of Simons Foundation, and by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Major support is provided by Gerry Ohrstrom with program support provided by Cheryl Henson.
