“Ask Hafiz” is a performance integrating story-telling, poetry, dance and music. The show tells the immigration story of Sahar Muradi’s tumultuous journey from a Soviet-ruled Afghanistan to Queens. Along the way, Sahar, following an age-old practice, asks questions to the book of poetry by Hafiz. The answers are revealed through songs composed and sung by Haleh Liza, dance choreographed and performed by Malini Srinivasan, music performed by Trina Basu, Rich Stein and Chris Hoffman.
Hafiz, the 14th century Persian poet and mystic, is an ancient voice connecting the people of South Asia, the Middle East and the US, linking the past to our ever-evolving present.
Sahar Muradi – poetry
Malini Srinivasan – dance
Haleh Liza Gafori – vocals
Trina Basu – violin
Rich Stein – percussion
Chris Hoffman – cello
Produced by David Ellenbogen
Directed by Adrien Tillman
Filmed at the Rubin Museum of Art.
About Ragas Live Festival
The Ragas Live Festival 2020 was a 24-hour free broadcast featuring legends of global music from 15 cities around the world. The landmark event was broadcast via video at the Pioneer Works Broadcast and by audio at WKCR FM-NY for 24 continuous hours beginning November 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST.