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Lead image for Memory Connections

Memory Connections

For Visitors with Dementia and their Caregivers

Thursday, December 14, 2023
11:00 AM–12:00 PM

Memory Connections is a free program for people living with dementia and their caregivers. On the second Thursday of every month, trained teaching artists and special performers facilitate an online experience designed to promote engagement between participants and the art and cultures of the Himalayan region.

In addition to an in-depth look at two artworks from the Museum’s collection, the December program will be the second and final session of a mini series in partnership with Stories in the Moment, an evidence-informed program for people living with dementia, as well as their care partners and friends. The program uses dance and movement as a form of storytelling and is built on the principle that all of us, regardless of our modes of cognition, have stories to tell and the means to tell them. Together, we bring our minds and bodies together to build stories in the moment. All activities can be done seated or standing.


About the Speaker

Magda Kaczmarska

Magda Kaczmarska is a dance artist and creative-aging thought leader living in New York City. She received her MFA in dance performance and choreography and her BS in biochemistry and molecular biophysics from the University of Arizona. She brings 10 years working in neuropharmacology research and over 15 years in community-based education settings in dance and creative expression for persons of all ages, specifically older adults, to her practice. Magda founded DanceStream Projects, a creative collective based in New York City, dedicated to building a healthy, expressive, and inclusive community through transdisciplinary partnerships that center the vehicle of dance as a catalyst for systems change. Through DanceStream Projects, Magda created several award-winning programs, including Stories in the Moment, which apply evidence-informed approaches to extend brain health to older adults and people living with dementia through co-creative dance while amplifying their creative voice. Magda is passionate in advocating for the rights of older persons and people living with dementia and serves as a representative to the United Nations with Generations United and is the vice president of the Foundation Dementia Action Alliance Poland. Magda is an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI, where she is working to design and expand access to creative aging programs that support brain health across the lifespan.

Major support for Mindful Connections is provided by the Mellon Foundation with additional support from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.

Mellon Foundation
Image credit: Detail of Chakrasamvara; Tibet; 18th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Art; gift of the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation; F1997.49.1 (HAR 895)

Free with Registration


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