Measure Me!
Family Sundays
Sunday, April 5, 2020
1:00 PM–4:00 PM Cancelled
Drop-In Art-Making Workshop
Ages 3 and older with accompanying adults
Sundays are for families! Bring your family to the Rubin Museum for a Sunday afternoon of activities both kids and grownups will enjoy. Drop into the Education Center for some art making and enjoy our 2:00 PM family exhibition tour.
April Family Sundays: Measure Me!
This month reflect on the Rubin Museum’s exhibition Measure Your Existence, which explores the Buddhist concept of impermanence through film, photography, and interactive art. Now it’s time to measure your own existence by creating a silhouette of your body and filling it with facts about you!
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
This program has been cancelled. Please contact with Box Office at 212-620-5000 ext. 344 with questions.
Free for children and accompanying adults
Call 212.620.5000 x215 in advance if you are interested in bringing a group of ten or more.