Livingston Taylor
Naked Soul
Friday, September 8, 2017
7:00 PM–8:30 PM
Livingston Taylor picked up his first guitar at the age of thirteen and began a 50-year career that has encompassed performance, songwriting, and teaching. From top-40 hits “I Will Be in Love with You” and “I’ll Come Running,” to “I Can Dream of You” and “Boatman,” Livingston’s creative output has continued unabated. His musical knowledge has inspired a varied repertoire, and he is equally at home with a range of musical genres—folk, pop, gospel, jazz—from upbeat storytelling and touching ballads to full orchestra performances. He has shared the stage with major artists such as Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt, and Jimmy Buffett, and maintains a busy concert schedule, touring internationally.
About Naked Soul
Naked Soul presents performances from some of the country’s top singer/songwriters without microphones or amplifiers, as if the music were, acoustically speaking, naked. The musicians in the series draw upon the universal themes inherent in Himalayan art—spirituality, peace, tolerance, wisdom, compassion—on select Friday evenings.
Musical performances at the Rubin Museum are made possible by the Carlo and Micól Schejola Foundation.
​Advance Tickets: $40.00
Day of: $45.00
Member Advance: $36.00
Member Day of: $40.50