Is There Life Out There?
Claire Evans + Fred C. Adams
Sunday, March 21, 2010
7:00 PM–8:30 PM Free
Musician Claire Evans addresses a fundamental question about the universe with Fred C. Adams, the author of The Five Ages of the Universe. Adams is a widely acknowledged authority on star formation and the cosmological emergence of life in the universe. In between touring theworld with her band, Evans maintains a popular science blog that explores the synchronies between culture and modern science.
Based out of Portland Oregon Claire Evans is one half of the indie rock group YACHT.
Fred Adams is professor of physics at the University of Michigan, where his main field of research is astrophysics theory with a focus on the study of star formation and cosmology. He is internationally recognized for his work on the radiative signature of the star formation process, the dynamics of circumstellar disks, and the physics of molecular clouds. His recent work includes star formation in clusters,the development of a theory for the initial mass function for forming stars, and studies of extra-solar planetary systems. He is the author of The Five Ages of the Universe with Greg Laughlin and will sign copies of his book after the talk.
The New York Times Community Affairs Department is a media sponsor for this event.
BRAINWAVE is made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.