Holly Near
Naked Soul
Friday, October 7, 2016
7:00 PM–8:30 PM Sold Out
Articulate, vocally powerful, and artistically curious, Holly Near always creates a special night for her Rubin Museum concerts. Mixing music, critical thinking, and special guests, Near recreates a living room on stage that continues to thrill Naked Soul audiences.
About the Artist
Holly Near grew up on a ranch in Northern California, where her initial vocal training was singing from mountain tops. This was followed by work in musical theater, folk, jazz and popular music styles. For more than forty years she has been a musical ambassador for peace and understanding all over the world.
About Naked Soul
Naked Soul presents performances from some of the country’s top singer/songwriters without microphones or amplifiers, as if the music were, acoustically speaking, naked. The musicians in the series draw upon the universal themes inherent in Himalayan art—spirituality, peace, tolerance, wisdom, compassion—on select Friday evenings. Learn More
Presented with Music Without Borders.
Musical performances at the Rubin Museum are made possible by the Carlo and Micól Schejola Foundation.
Naked Soul is made possible with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Yamaha is the official piano of the Rubin Museum of Art.
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