Henry Rollins + David Eagleman
The Assassin of my Dreams
Monday, February 7, 2011
10:00 AM–10:00 AM Free
“The assassin of my dreams comes to destroy from the inside” (Hot Animal Machine II)
Punk band original and (out)spoken-word artist Henry Rollins hunts down the assassin of his dreams with neuroscientist David Eagleman.
Henry Rollins joined the Southern California punk band Black Flag as vocalist in 1981. Upon the demise of the legendary rock group, he formed Rollins Band and has been making records and touring the world ever since. Beyond taking the stage as a musician, Henry does speaking dates all over the world, and along with the band dates, has averaged over one hundred shows a year for over 30 years. His most recent Frequent Flyer spanned seven months and 14 countries.
A Grammy winner for the performance of his own book Get in the Van, Henry is not one to confine his performances strictly to the stage. He performs in movies and TV shows including Bad Boys II, Heat, and the just released The Devil’s Tomb, as host of his IFC’s The Henry Rollins Show, and season two of Sons of Anarchy on the FX network. Henry recently filmed a few documentaries for the National Geographic Channel, and is currently hosting his weekly LA radio show, and running 2-13-61, a publishing company he created to release books, CDs and DVDs.
David Eagleman holds joint appointments in the Departments of Neuroscience and Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Dr. Eagleman’s areas of research include time perception, vision, synesthesia, and the intersection of neuroscience with the legal system. He directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action, and is the Founder and Director of Baylor College of Medicine’s Initiative on Neuroscience and Law. Dr. Eagleman has written several neuroscience books, including Incognito: The Brains Behind the Mind (Pantheon, 2011), Wednesday is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia (co-authored with Richard Cytowic, MIT Press), and the upcoming Live-Wired: How the Brain Rewrites its own Circuitry (Oxford University Press, 2012). He has also written an internationally bestselling book of literary fiction, Sum, which has been translated into 22 languages and was named a Best Book of the Year by Barnes and Noble, New Scientist, and the Chicago Tribune. Dr. Eagleman has written for the New York Times, Discover Magazine, Slate, Wired, and New Scientist, and he appears regularly on National Public Radio and BBC to discuss both science and literature.