Becoming Nobody
Film Screening
Sunday, October 6, 2019
3:00 PM–4:45 PM
Jamie Catto, USA, 2019, 81 min.
“When I was born, I donned a space suit for living on this planet. It was this body, this nice spacesuit, and it had a steering mechanism, my prefrontal lobes and all the brain motors coordinating stuff. . . . You get so good at using your spacesuit that you can’t differentiate yourself from your spacesuit anymore. . . . It’s what I call somebody training.”
—Ram Dass
Both playful and profound, this film is a portal to and portrayal of Ram Dass’s life and teachings.
In Becoming Nobody, historic clips of Ram Dass balance an engaging conversation with director Jamie Catto. The film captures a loving man full of joy, wit, honesty, and wisdom, at ease in conversation while sharing his considerable pains and pleasures. The life experiences that have freed him from the attachments of his “Somebodyness” have transformed him into the radiant soul who now inspires a new generation. In watching Ram Dass’s unconventional journey unfold, we may come to understand how our own roles and disguises become increasingly burdensome.
The screening will be followed by a conversation and Q&A with film director Jamie Catto.
The Rubin is pleased to offer audio support with “Listen Everywhere,” a free app for audio streaming at our theater programs. You can download “Listen Everywhere” for free on your personal smartphone, or borrow an audio listening device from the Museum. Click here for more information.
About the Speaker
Jamie Catto is the creative catalyst, producer, and director behind the global philosophy and music project 1 Giant Leap and founding member of the electronica band Faithless. The first album by 1 Giant Leap was nominated for 2 Grammys in 2003, sold over 300,000 copies, and won numerous awards globally. The 2009 movie and album by 1 Giant Leap, “What About Me?”, won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at Red Rock Film Festival. Jamie leads uniquely transformative workshops and one-on-one sessions.
Standard tickets: $23.00
Member Ticket: $18.40
Becoming Nobody tickets include free all-day access to the Rubin Museum of Art.