Awakening Practice
with guest teacher Geshe Tashi Dorje
Saturday, December 14, 2019
11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Contemplative practice has its roots in the living traditions of the Himalayas. Join Tashi Chodron and guest teachers in the shrine room for a morning mindfulness session, which explores the connections between Himalayan cultures, art, and the practice of meditation. Each 45-minute session includes 20 minutes of guided meditation that will explore different approaches including breathing exercises, mantra, mudra, and mindfulness.
Awakening Practice is supported by The Fredrick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.
About the Teacher
Geshe Tashi Dorje is the director of the Center for Universal Peace in New York. He was born in a remote village on the border of Tibet and Nepal. In 1989, he joined Sera Mey Monastic University in South India. In 1991, he received the Getsul (Samsrana) ordination blessing from His Eminence Kachen Lobsang Soepa, former abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, and in 1993 he received Bikshu (Gelong) Ordination Blessing from His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. Ten years later he was awarded the Rigchung degree upon completion of the perfection of wisdom course. In September 2005, he was appointed to be the Chant Master, the third-highest ranking official of Sera Mey Monastery. Among his many additional honors, he received a doctorate in Buddhism, concentrating in the Five Major Texts from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. In the United States, Dorje teaches dharma and the Tibetan language to bothTibetans and Westerners.
Tickets: $19.00
Member Tickets: $15.20
Tickets include free all-day access to the Rubin Museum of Art.