Virtual Senior Tour
The Mandala Lab Online
Thursday, October 7, 2021
11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Join us for a virtual exploration of the Rubin Museum’s newest installation, the Mandala Lab, with Senior Specialist of Himalayan Arts and Culture Tenzin Gelek. The interactive space employs social, emotional, and ethical learning and powerful Buddhist principles to inspire connection and empathy. Consider how complex feelings show up in your everyday life and imagine how you might have the power to transform them.
About Tenzin Gelek
Tenzin Gelek is the co-founder of Latse Project and former program officer of Trace Foundation. For over 20 years, he has been a trusted advisor to many tech and nonprofit organizations ranging from Google to Himalayan Library, and he has been an active Dharma translator in New York City and beyond. He is currently Senior Specialist, Himalayan Art and Culture, at the Rubin Museum.

Senior Day is supported by the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation.
Image Credit
Unidentified Religious Master; Tibet; 16th century”“17th century; Parcel-gilt silver, pigment; repoussé; Rubin Museum of Art; C2009.12
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