Mindful Connections Online
Featuring Kathryne Fassbender
Thursday, November 18, 2021
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Mindful Connections Online is a free, monthly program that offers engagement between adults living with dementia and works of art. Join Rubin Museum staff and docents for an hour of close looking, discussion, and interpretation of traditional and contemporary Himalayan art. Inspired by current exhibitions, Mindful Connections asks participants to engage with their senses, share ideas, and experience art’s ability to reveal our interconnectivity.
About the Practitioner

Kathryne Fassbender is the creator of the Dementia Letters Project and the granddaughter of someone who lived with vascular dementia. She accompanies those on their dementia journey, magnifying the importance of creativity and human connection by becoming relational with others in creative and dignified ways. Kate is a classically trained musician, visual artist, and theater maker, with an academic foundation in the creative arts therapies. Kate is a Certified Dementia Communications Specialist and Certified Dementia Practitioner.

Mindful Connections is supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, with additional support from The Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation.
Free with Registration
Find the Zoom link to connect to the program in your confirmation email. View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information or contact our Box Office at boxoffice@rubinmuseum.org for assistance.