Mindfulness Meditation
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
1:00 PM–1:45 PM
A meditation session led by Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
For centuries Himalayan practitioners have used meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nervous system, and increase focus. Now Western scientists, business leaders, and the secular world have embraced meditation as a vital tool for brain health.
Whether you’re a beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join expert teachers in a forty-five-minute weekly program designed to fit into your lunch break. Each session will be inspired by a different work of art from the Rubin Museum’s collection and will include an opening talk, a twenty-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. Chairs will be provided.
Presented in partnership with Sharon Salzberg, theNew York Insight Meditation Center, and the Interdependence Project.
About the Speaker
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is the son of the renowned terton, or “treasure revealer,” Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, holder of the Ripa lineage. As a socially engaged Buddhist, philanthropic projects have become a central part of his life’s work. Born in India, he has firsthand experience of the plight of Tibetan refugees and local villagers in finding and retrieving potable water. This inspired him to found the Pure Water Project, for which he received a citation from the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile. Other projects he directs include creating a malaria prevention and treatment program and the support of orphans, schoolchildren, monks, and the elderly. Jigme Rinpoche oversees the Ripa monasteries in both Nepal and India, along with their growing monastic communities and the Tibetan community in exile. He continues his teachings through Padma Ling and the Ripa Ladrang Foundations. Rinpoche is also appearing at the Rubin on September 7 guiding a mindfulness meditation session and speaking at a screening of his film Mera Gaon.
Tickets: $15.00
Free for members (registration required.)
Note: Late comers may not be admitted past 1:10 p.m., so as to not disrupt the session.