I Am Yoga
Family Yoga and Book Reading
Sunday, October 23, 2016
3:00 PM–4:00 PM
Come practice yoga poses and explore the benefits of kids’ yoga with author and kids’ yoga and mindfulness instructor Susan Verde as she reads from her book I Am Yoga. End the session with a mindful meditation related to a work of art from the Museum’s collection. Be inspired by Susan Verde’s book and create your own at the Museum’s Family Sundays program.
There will be a book signing directly following the event.
Program designed for children ages four and up. Please bring your own yoga mat.

Susan Verde grew up in a brownstone in the heart of Greenwich Village in New York City. She moved to the Hamptons where she earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, a master’s in reading remediation, and became an elementary school teacher at a private school in Bridgehampton.
Verde is a registered yoga teacher (RYT) and registered children’s yoga teacher (RYCT) with a private practice, bringing yoga and mindfulness to children and adults. She lives in East Hampton, New York, with her twin boys, Joshua and Gabriel and her daughter, Sophia, where she writes children’s books and teaches kids’ yoga and mindfulness. She is the author of The Museum, You and Me, I Am Yoga, and the forthcoming book, The Water Princess, all illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds.
$15 for adults
$10 for children
(Capacity of 40 people)