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Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein + Norman Fischer

Talmud Meets Zen

Monday, September 12, 2016
7:00 PM–8:30 PM

“By the power
of complete non attachment
the frog floats”

Zen poet Norman Fischer and Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein explore their respective wisdom traditions and compare notes about life, death, and the way we get from one to the other.


About the Speakers

Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein has launched many initiatives in the areas of Jewish mindfulness, services for those with special needs, and community building. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he studied psychology. He received a BA and MA in Hebrew letters from the University of Judaism, Los Angeles, and a master’s degree of Hebrew letters and rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. Upon ordination Rabbi Bronstein founded and led Congregacion Or Shalom in Santiago, Chile, and in 1995 joined Roly Matalon at congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York City, where he works today.

Norman Fischer is a poet, essayist, and Zen Buddhist priest. He has served as abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center, the oldest and largest Buddhist institution in the West, and is the founding teacher of the Everyday Zen Foundation (www.everydayzen.org), a network of Zen groups and other projects. He has taught and lectured around the world. His latest poetry collections are Magnolias All at Once, Escape This Crazy Life of Tears, and The Strugglers. His latest prose works are What Is Zen? Plain Talk for a Beginner’s Mind, and Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language, and Religion.

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